Contrary to common belief all witches are not evil, there are some who don't practice the dark arts but stick to all that's good.
Evil Witches: According to Ancient beliefs, witches are women (the guys are called wizards) which practice black magic, ride broomsticks, have black cats and can see a person's future. They use various herbs to connote different potions to use in their magic. They are also called sorceresses. This is what is commonly known about witches. According to floklore, they are ugly creatures with warts and other disgusting ailments.
In the ancient days, witches were regarded as anti-social beings which brought harm to people and worshipped Satan. But that was not correct at all, just superstitions. They were believed to cast wicked spells over humans and animals both and were considered a threat to the society. You all must have read and heard the stories of Witch Hunting in Europe when such panic arose that any one suspected of being a witch was burnt alive at the stake. That was the cruelest thing ever done in the history of Mankind.
Witches gather on the night before May Day or on Hallowe'en (October 31), this gathering is called "Sabbath". It is one of their holidays. Hallowe'en is a lot of fun for children who dress up in different fancy costumes and go around knocking on houses for "Trick or Treat". I guess that is one of the most fun holidays the whole year round.
Now, in this age..... education and technology has taught mortals that witchcraft is a science and need not be evil only. Various communities of witches have been formed over the years and witchcraft has become a religion now.
Note: None of the information given here is my opinion. They are facts gathered from encyclopedias and books.
INTERVIEW with A witch
SoMe fAcTs aBouT uS (WitChEs)
Witches are a group of people who, in general, follow the Wiccan Rede and can be considered Wiccans. Contrary to popular belief, it is a religion. It's an earth-based faith following nature, various deities, and the theory that everything you do returns to you threefold. The main part of the Wiccan Rede tells witches, "an' it harm none, do as ye will", meaning everything you do must be in love and done with the purest heart. Witches do not follow Satan, in actuality, they do not believe in hell or a devil. The only "hell" is what you create for yourself with your own deeds, and you pay it back like any other karmic debt.
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